Iguatemi | Material Fact | Mall operations update in the states of RS and SC

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Iguatemi empresa de shopping centers s/a

Material Fact

São Paulo, March 23, 2021 Iguatemi Empresa de Shopping Centers S.A. (“Iguatemi” or “Company”) [B3: IGTA3] hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, as determined by local authorities, the Company resumed operations in its malls in Rio Grande do Sul and extended operating days in Santa Catarina as described below:

  • Starting yesterday, March 22nd, 2021, Praia de Belas Shopping Center and Shopping Iguatemi Porto Alegre resumed their operations at reduced hours from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 8 pm. The malls will remain open to the public during weekends only for the operation of essential services;
  • Starting today, March 23rd, 2021, Iguatemi Fashion Outlet Novo Hamburgo will resume its operations at reduced hours from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 8 pm;
  • Starting March 19th, 2021, Iguatemi Fashion Outlet Santa Catarina resumed operations in weekends with no restrictions, from 10 am to 10 pm.

We are attentive to potential new determinations and recommendations from local authorities and we will make the necessary changes in the measures mentioned above if necessary.


Cristina Anne Betts
CFO and Investor Relations Director
Iguatemi Empresa de Shoppings Centers S/A


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E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +55 (11) 3137-7037 | 7134
