Notice to the Market - Change of Bookeeping Bank
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São Paulo, June 22, 2021 - Marfrig Global Foods S.A. (“Marfrig” or “Company” – B3: MRFG3 and Level 1 ADR: MRRTY), one of the world’s leading beef producers and the world’s largest producer of beef patties, in compliance with CVM Instruction 358/02 as amended, Marfrig Global Foods S.A. (MRFG3) informs its stockholders and the market in general as follows that as from July 1st, 2021, Banco Bradesco S.A. (‘Bradesco’) will be the depositary financial institution for the bookentry shares of Marfrig (MRFG3), replacing Itaú Unibanco S.A. (‘Itaú’). As from that date, stockholders will be served through the network of bank branches of Bradesco, which exists throughout the whole of the territory of Brazil. Stockholders whose shares are held in custody by the B3 (São Paulo stock exchange) will continue to be served normally by their brokers and/or custody agents, and there will be no interruption to trading in the Company’s shares. Due to the process of migration, service to stockholders in certain procedures, including the following, will be suspended over the period June 24 up to June 30, 2021: • consultations on position; • transfers of shares not made through a stock exchange; • transfer of custody; • payments of any pending corporate action events; • updating of client registry records; and • recording of liens, among others. For orders for transfer of shares (orders for change of custody) in which the blocking orders have been made by Itaú, and before the related deposits have been made, Itaú will pass the block orders to Bradesco and they will remain valid until their termination date. Note: This change does not result in any change to the rights held by the shares, including rights to dividends. Any remuneration on capital and any payments will be made to the same accounts previously indicated by each stockholder.
Tang David
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