TOTVS | Comunicado ao Mercado: Agenda de eventos online | Notice to the Market: Online events schedule
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COMUNICADO AO MERCADO Agenda de eventos online A TOTVS S.A. (B3: TOTS3) (“Companhia"), em atendimento ao Ofício-Circular nº 7/2020-CVM/SEP, informa aos seus acionistas e ao mercado em geral que o Diretor Presidente da Companhia, o Sr. Dennis Herszkowicz, participará no dia 25 de novembro de 2020, às 20h30, do painel “Do zero ao topo: a tecnologia no mercado brasileiro” do evento online (live) “Melhores da Bolsa 2020”, organizado pelo Infomoney. A live será transmitida pelo YouTube, acessível pelo link: São Paulo, 24 de novembro de 2020 ___________________________________________________________ NOTICE TO THE MARKET Online events schedule TOTVS S.A. (B3: TOTS3) (the “Company"), in compliance with Circular Letter No. 7/2020-CVM/SEP, informs its shareholders and the market in general that on November 25, 2020 at 8:30 p.m. (BRT) the Company's Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Dennis Herszkowicz, will take part in the panel “From zero to the top: technology in the Brazilian market” of the online live event “Melhores da Bolsa 2020” (Best of Securities Market 2020), organized by the Brazilian finance portal known as Infomoney. Such live will be broadcast on YouTube at São Paulo, November 24, 2020 TOTVS S/A – Relações com Investidores | Investor Relations Tel +55 (11) 2099-7097/7089/7105/7773 | Fax +55 (11) 2099-7335 [email protected] | [email protected] – | |
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